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The Best Adult Baby Dating Site!

Love to role-play to a regression of infant-like state? That is Adult Baby Diaper Lover, baby! Our ABDL community is about adults comforted by the role-playing of being a baby. People who like to get into little space have a home here. Diaper fetishism, nappy fetishism or diaperism, is a type of garment fetish. Having a diaper fetish means you gain sexual gratification from wearing adult diapers, nothing wrong with that. Autonepiophilia is the official term for Adult Babies by the way. Some of our members enjoy the thrill of going out in public with their diaper on under their clothes. Some like the sounds a diaper makes. Others enjoy peeing or wetting the diaper or sitting in a soaking wet diaper. Anyway join the best ABDL social network today! DDlg, MDlb, ABDL all love to play here.
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